Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Room Brings Down the House - Hyde Park Picture House - 22/10/2011

An air of excitement hangs over a crowd of students gathered around the entrance of Hyde Park Picture House. Expectant faces burst into wide grins as talk turns to the film they are about to see. Favourite scenes, quotes and characters are discussed lovingly, laughter bouncing noisily off the houses lining the adjacent Queens Road. The atmosphere could be compared to that of a smash-hit blockbuster, an Oscar contender or an old Hollywood classic, but the late-night feature this sell-out crowd have gathered to see at Leeds’ premier art-house cinema is none of those. As Andy Moore, the 24 year old film administrator at Hyde Park Picture House, says, Tommy Wiseau's The Room is: "probably one of the worst films ever made and yet every time we show it tickets fly out of the door.”